Visualise Your Way to a Healthy Weight


Join weight loss expert Dr. Ailis Brosnan as she gracefully walks you through eight inspiring guided meditations which will enable you to connect with your mind and body so that you can finally release weight safely, naturally and effortlessly – once and for all.

The body-mind connection is one of the best kept secrets in modern medicine and weight loss, however, it is also one of the most powerful. Dr. Brosnan will assist you in making this powerful and vital connection so that you can work with your body rather than against it.

By creating a more positive mindset it will become easier to achieve and maintain your ideal body weight.  The enjoyable practise of listening to the audios also leads to improved confidence, happiness and self-esteem.

Digital Download – €10.99

Physical Album – €15.99 plus €2 P&P
(CD’s will be shipped within 3 working days.*)


  1. Creating Your New Story
  2. Your Ideal Weight
  3. Affirmations
  4. Mindful Eating Exercise
  5. Morning Mindset
  6. Evening Meditation
  7. Relaxation Meditation
  8. Body Gratitudes
SKU: pd - 01. Category: .

Product Description

I found this CD great as I knew what I should be doing but just couldn’t get motivated.  From listening to the CD I am very clear now on my ideal weight and am totally motivated and driven to achieve it – decisions around food that would have been a struggle are now easy to make. I am half way towards my ideal weight and know I will reach it by the end of the year. This really was the missing ingredient for me with my previous weight loss efforts and am so glad I came across Ailis and the CD – it really has made all the difference for me, just wish I had found it sooner!

Susan, Kildare

These tracks cover everything I need, from creating a focus for my weight loss to keeping it. My personal favourite is Body gratitude, it helps me to love and appreciate my body for what it is doing. Never before had I stopped to think about it.”

Ieva, Tralee

I highly recommend this CD – there are a variety of tracks to support you in whatever you need that day. I listened to the affirmations in the car everyday day and then depending on what I was needing I would pick and choose from the others. I love the Morning Mindset to get me set up for a great day and the Evening one was great too for relaxing off to sleep.  The body gratitudes was one I really needed and helped me move from hating my body (yes, hard to admit now) to actually loving it!  The weight loss was a side effect, for me the greatest benefit was the positive attitude I have  developed.

Catherine, Dublin


All efforts have been made to give you an accurate representation of the CD  on this page. Any results from testimonials are to provide an indication of what others have experienced through listening to the CD. You probably already know that this isn’t a guarantee that you will experience the same results, and that your personal success will depend on how fully you commit to listening regularly to the CD.

Additional Information

CD Type

Digital Download €10.99, Physical Album €15.99


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